Large Database Technology (Fall 2021)

Instructor Lei Deng
Location: Rm.404, No.2 Comprehensive Laboratory Building
Office hour: 9:00-17:00
Prerequisites JAVA/C++ Programming
Data Structures
Database Basics
Texts and readings Slides of this course (课件下载)
Oracle PL/SQL Programming: Covers Versions Through Oracle Database 11g Release 2, Steven Feuerstein, Bill Pribyl
Oracle PL/SQL从入门到精通
数据库技术丛书:高并发Oracle数据库系统的架构与设计 [High Concurrency Oracle Database System Architecture and Design]
Additional materials will be provided as handouts or in the form of light technical papers.
Grading Homework/Participation/Presentation/Experiment 50%, Final Exam 50%
Policies You are encouraged to discuss your homework assignments with your classmates; however, any code you submit must be your own work. You may not share code with others or copy code from outside sources, except where the assignment specifically allows it. Plagiarism can have serious consequences
Schedule Below is the tentative schedule for the course:

Date Topic Reading/Experiment materials Homework
Week 3 Monday Introduction & Course overview
Oracle basic knowledge
  • A Comparative Study on the Performance of the Top DBMS Systems
    Week 3 Wednesday Oracle & PL/SQL Introduction & Management
    slide 2-1, slide 2-2
    Oracle 11g install manual (linux & silent)  
    Week 4 Wednesday PL/SQL Conditional Controls & Iterative Controls
    slide 3-1
    Week 4 Sunday PL/SQL Cursors & Exceptions
    slide 4-1
    Week 6 Monday PL/SQL Procedures & Functions & Triggers
    slide 4-2, slide 4-3
    Week 6 Wednesday High Performance Indexing
    slide 5-1
    Week 7 Monday High Performance In-memory Database & Answer Questions
    Distributed Database System
    Week 7 Wednesday Experiment preparation & Answer Questions
    Week 8 Wednesday Experiment 1
    Week 9 Wednesday Experiment 2
    Week 10 Wednesday Experiment 3